Gold Editing Package

60,000 words–95,000 words

Gold Editing Package

Flat Rate: $4,950 USD

(payment plan required)

Save up to 27% with this package deal!

Our Gold Editing Package is for novels within the 60,000–95,000 word range. This package is for authors prepping for publication, as it goes through Developmental Editing, Line Editing, and then Proofreading for your final stage before publication. Since your novel would be going through each editing stage, this is scheduled to be a 4–5 month process. This package is an extensive editing process that involves providing in-line comments throughout your manuscript’s every stage. With Developmental Editing, you will receive 15–35 pages worth of feedback in the form of an editorial letter. After Line Editing, you will also receive a short letter about how you can further enhance your story. Proofreading is the final stage of editing before publication!

Payment plans are recommended for this service, and an example of what this would look like is below! Signing a contract with all of our information outlined is also necessary. A video call will be conducted prior to service in order to address the concerns of the writer.

What You Get:

  • First month — Developmental Editing.

  • One month break for writer to apply editing feedback relating to content.

  • Second month — Line Editing.

  • Two-week (or one month) break for writer to approve/reject feedback relating to lines.

  • Final month — two weeks (or one month) for Proofreading.

$1,237.50 per month for 4 months. Half will be due at the start of each month and the second half will be due at the end of each month. This is if you do not put down a deposit. With a deposit, the total monthly cost falls to $928.13 per month for 4 months. This further drops if you prefer a 5 month payment plan and editing process.

Book an editing service with Earley Editing by filling out the submission form on our CONTACT page!




Platinum Editing Package (95k-120k words)