

$0.0115 per word

After putting your book through developmental and/or line editing, and have made the proper changes to your story, it’s time for the final step! This is proofreading. Need a set of professionally trained eyes to comb through your project and catch those last typos and errors relating to grammar and inconsistencies? This editing service is meant to polish up those final touches so you can publish with confidence.

Earley Editing, LLC prices proofreading below average because we believe this final service should be the least complicated step of the process. You’re about to publish and this is something to celebrate after years of work, dedication, and professional editing!

Corrections that will be made to your draft:

  • Highlight of confusing phrasing

  • Tense (whether past or present, your book will be consistent)

  • Passive voice will merely be pointed out

  • Dialogue structure & formatting

  • Dialogue tags vs. action tags

  • “Show, don’t tell” will be pointed out

  • Errors in spelling, grammar, & punctuation

  • Deletion or alteration of repetitive words

  • Word choice (such as alternate suggestions to avoid repetitiveness)

  • Inconsistencies (such as capitalization and hyphenation)

  • Deletion of unnecessary words

  • Feedback via in-line comments

  • Standard manuscript formatting

Editorial Freelancer Association Average Prices:

Proofreading, fiction:  $0.02–$0.029 per word

(payment plans possible)

Book an editing service with Earley Editing by filling out the submission form on our CONTACT page!


Line Editing


Manuscript Evaluation