Don’t Ignore Story Structure
Welcome to another #WriterWarnings! Today, we’re going to talk about why following story structure is important!
Always keep a basic narrative arc in mind. Arcs are everywhere within stories. Scenes contain arcs, chapters contain arcs, characters have arcs, and the story overall has an arc.
Whenever writing, always consider the technical side of things as well as the creative side. ignoring the technical side of writing can alert an agent, editor, or even reader to something being off about your writing. The technical side of writing is applied to all media and great works we consume.
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody perfectly outlines the various medias we consume and how they follow story structure. After reading this book back in 2018, it changed how we consume TV shows, movies, and even books. We cannot recommend this book and being sure to follow story structure enough!
Hope it was helpful to some! 🤎 Be sure to scroll to see more details!