How to Write an Author Bio That will Attract Readers
An author bio is more than just a brief introduction; it’s your opportunity to connect with readers or a literary agent, showcase your credibility, and give a glimpse into your personality.

How to Format Your Manuscript for Submission or Self-Publishing: A Step-by-Step Guide
Whether you’re submitting your manuscript to traditional publishers, literary agents, or preparing for self-publishing, proper formatting is essential. A well-formatted manuscript looks professional, making a strong first impression on editors, agents, and readers.

The Role of AI in Writing and Editing: What Authors Need to Know
By understanding the strengths and limitations of AI, authors can harness AI tools to enhance their work without compromising their artistic integrity.

Book Trends to Watch for in 2025: What’s Next in the World of Reading?
As we enter 2025, there is a bold future for books! With emerging technologies, changing social climates, expanding diverse voices, and evolving tastes, it’s clear that the world of books is adapting in thrilling ways. Here’s a look at the top book trends to watch in 2025 . . .

What Book Genres Were Popular in 2024 and What Will Trend in 2025?
As each year unfolds, new trends in the literary world emerge. Let’s explore the most popular genres of 2024 and what’s expected to dominate the shelves in 2025.

Myths About Writing a Book
There are so many writing myths out there. These myths can be misleading and may hinder aspiring writers from realizing their full potential. Newbie writers can be deterred by these myths, so let’s debunk some here!

3 Years in Business Letter from Earley Editing, LLC
Earley Editing, LLC has been established and trusted by authors for three years now!

What is Proofreading & Why is it Important?
The primary goal of Proofreading is to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the final manuscript before it is published. While Proofreading does not involve major revisions or changes to content, it is a crucial step in producing a polished and error-free document.

What is Line Editing & Why is it Important?
Line Editing involves refining the manuscript for clarity, coherence, and style, addressing issues such as word choice, sentence structure, grammar, and overall readability.

What is Developmental Editing & Why is it Important?
The goal of Developmental Editing is to enhance the overall coherence, flow, and effectiveness of the manuscript, ensuring it meets its intended purpose and resonates with the target audience.

Proofreading Isn’t Just About Fixing Commas and Periods…
Proofreading involves more than just checking for grammatical errors and correcting commas. Proofreading encompasses a thorough review of a written document to identify and correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and formatting.

When You Hire Earley Editing, LLC to Edit Your Manuscript…
When you hire Earley Editing, LLC to edit your manuscript/book baby, you get…

Traditional Publishing, Hybrid Publishing, Vanity Press, Self-Publishing: What are the Differences?
Traditional Publishing, Hybrid Publishing, Vanity Press, and Self-Publishing are different approaches to getting a book into the market, and they come with distinct characteristics and processes. Here's a brief overview of each:

Vanity Press vs. Self-Publishing: What are the Pros and Cons?
Vanity press and self-publishing are distinct approaches to getting a book into the hands of readers. While they share some similarities, they also hold differences that can make or break an authors career.

Average Editorial Rates Compared to Earley Editing, LLC Editorial Rates
In this article, we thought we would outline the average cost and compare it to what we charge at Earley Editing, LLC!

Chicago Manual of Style Important: Why is it the Standard in Publishing? Why is it Important in Editing?
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS or CMOS) is highly important in publishing and is widely used by those within the industry. Let’s go over why that is!

Vanity Press: What is it & Why is it an Ill-Advised Publishing Option?
A vanity press is a type of publishing company that requires authors to pay for the production and distribution of their books. Because of this, vanity presses have garnered criticism. Authors should be aware of the potential drawbacks before choosing such a publishing route, so we’re listing them here.

How an Author can Ready Their Book to Send it to an Editor
Are you an author who is trying to figure out when your book is ready to be sent to an editor, or are you trying to figure out how to prepare your book to be ready to send to an editor? Well, let’s go over the steps you should take!

Self-Publishing with Amazon vs. IngramSpark
Are you a writer wondering what the difference is between KDP and IngramSpark? We’re here to define the differences between these publishing platforms.