Opening Your Book with Dialogue
There are mixed feelings when it comes to opening a book with dialogue, so let's delve into the pros and cons of opening your book with dialogue.

The Difference Between Peeked, Peaked, & Piqued
It’s easy to confuse “peeked,” “peaked,” and “piqued” so here are the differences between all three!

3 Things You Need to Know as a Writer
3 things writers should know! Hope this helps with your writing inspiration!

Reasons NOT to Give Up On Writing
As writers, we all doubt ourselves at one time or another. There are many reasons to quit writing. But there are also many reasons to keep putting those words down. Here are some reasons to keep writing…
Different Dialogue Tags
Coming up with dialogue tags can be tough. While you don’t want to stray from the classic “said” too often, here are a list of tags you can occasionally use instead!

Book Recommendations from a Book Editor
Book recommendations from a book editor! These writing references are used and recommended by Earley Editing!

How to Fix a Boring Scene
Are you stuck on that scene? Does the pacing seem slow and unexciting? Are you struggling to make it work? Struggling to see how readers will be interested in what's happening on the page? Is writer's block killing you? Well, are you ready to kill writer's block? Here are some tips to help you beat that pesky scene that doesn't seem to have that OOMPH you're striving for.

Ashley Earley on the “Show, Don’t Tell” Technique
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to sit down with Arman Nasim from the Submarine Treehouse to be interviewed. It was a wonderful experience, so I thought I would share it all with you here!

Witches and Prose Podcast Interview
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by the Witches and Prose Podcast and I thought I would share it with you all here!

Publication Timeline for Your Book Baby
If you’ve ever wondered about what steps to take first when it comes to editing, we’ve got you covered! This timeline will help you toward publication!

Errors & Social Media as a Writer
When it comes to social media and marketing yourself as a writer, YOU are your brand!

It’s vs. Its
The English language is annoying and confusing, so let’s delve into the difference between “It’s” vs. “Its.”

What is an Editorial Letter?
Professional editors write editorial letters for clients who receive a content-based editing service. What are editorial letters? What do they entail? What is outlined in them?

Filler Words: What Should You DELETE from Your Manuscript?
Filler words are pesky. Most of them need to be DELETED during the self-editing process. Here’s why…

The WHY Question
Every writer needs to answer the WHY question during every aspect of your story.

Dialogue Tags vs. Action Tags
Differentiating between dialogue tags vs. action tags can be difficult and confusing…let’s talk about it!

Backstory is Essential
Even though backstory happens off the page most of the time, since it happened in the past, it’s still relevant to the present story you are putting on paper.

The Editing Process
Writers who are curious or lost about the editing process, I’m here to help.