Why an Author Should Hire a Professional Editor
Why should an author hire a professional editor? What are the benefits? Why is self-editing not good enough to publish?

How to Ensure You Hire a Professional Editor and Not a Scam Editor
Hiring an editor is about improving upon your story, so let’s go over a few things to consider to help verify an editor's professionalism.

Book Editor Red Flags
Avoiding scammy editors requires caution and research from the author. Here are 15 red flags to watch for when looking to hire an editor…

Merchandise You Can Sell as an Author
Having trouble coming up with products you can sell to readers? View our list of promotional ideas!

Hybrid Publishing: What is it & is it Right for You?
Hybrid publishing is starting to become a bridge between self-publishing and traditional publishing, but what is it?

How to Write the First Chapter of a Novel
Struggling with your first chapter? Here are some tips on writing a compelling novel opening that will capture readers’ attention.

How Professional Editing Can Improve Reviews
Getting a professional set of eyes on your book to edit plays a crucial role not only in the quality of your writing, but the reviews you receive. Here are the benefits professional editing can provide self-published authors.

Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing in 2023
Self-publishing and traditional publishing are two approaches to sharing a book or written work with the public. Both have their own pros and cons, so let's explore the key differences between them…

Yes, I am a Book Editor & I Hired a Book Editor for My Book Baby
Yes, I’m a writer and hired a book editor. Yes, I work as a book editor full time and I hired a book editor.

Don’t Act Like an Amateur When Querying Literary Agents
How an unconfident and unprofessional query letter can ruin your chances of representation…