Dedicated Writing Time
The time you dedicate to writing is precious. Here is how to maintain that focus and dedication.

How to Write Antagonists
Here are a list of things to consider when writing an antagonist.

Repetitive Sentence Structure
How repetitive sentence structures can dull your writing, and what variety can do for your writing.

“Show, Don’t Tell” Without Too Many Words
Here is a bit of a twist on the “show, don’t tell” technique…

Questions to Ask a Book Editor Before Hiring
Here are a list of questions to ask an editor before hiring them!

How to Write Plot Twists
Not sure how to write a plot twist? We’ve got you covered with this list of how-tos!

How to Survive NaNoWriMo - Part 2
With NaNoWriMo 2022 looming, let’s delve in on how you can survive National Novel Writing Month next month! This is Part 2.

How to Survive NaNoWriMo - Part 1
With NaNoWriMo 2022 looming, let’s delve in on how you can survive National Novel Writing Month next month! This is Part 1.

Don’t Ignore Story Structure
Here is why you shouldn’t ignore story structure when writing…

Referencing Brand Names in Your Book
Ever question what you can and cannot reference within your book? Are song lyrics acceptable? Quotes? Titles? Company or brand names? We’ve got some of the answers here!